Spiritual Concepts in an Unspiritual World

This blog does nothing but tracks the ravings of my mind and tranfers them into codes for the world to see. For more about me check out www.gphintz.com. Let nothing come to he who desires everything and the world come to he who is content. To subscribe to this blog through feedburner, click here http://feeds.feedburner.com/gphintzblog

Friday, March 20, 2009

Creative Writing "The Interior - Chapter 2"

The story continues...

The Interior – Chapter 2

The dust had long settled in her kinky black hair and formed streaks that ran lengthwise from her scalp down her face. Dust mixed with tears forms mud which is caked to her cheeks in such a way that she resembles a warrior princess preparing for battle. But her heart is not prepared for war or pain or loss. It is not ready to move forward… alone. It isn’t ready to address the insurmountable tasks that sit right before her. So, she lies there alone in a pile of rubble allowing the weight from the debris to embrace her like the clutches of a parent… a parent she never knew.

The yelling had long ceased and the activity had been followed by an eerie silence which penetrated the atmosphere. It was a silence that brought a ringing which started as an annoyance and grew so loud that you’d have to cover your ears, knowing that the hands upon your ears made no difference but simply to placate your own soul.

A young woman in her early twenties passed the empty doorway of the hut. She saw the blood and had heard what had happened, but was looking for something else.

“Sharah. Sharah.” Her voice was low. Taking two steps into the hut she whispered, “Sharah, it’s me. Are you here? Sharah. Answer me.”

Her eyes moved quickly from the left to the right, surveying the carnage. It looked nothing like the hut she remembered from her youth. It was darker now. The sun didn’t set the way it once did and the rays which would dance on the walls had been replaced by shadows which only haunted its inhabitants. Reaching over, she grabbed a board and moved it. Then another. Then another. Then another until she exposed a small hand encrusted with blood. Her heart sank, realizing that she had found what she came to find.

With a burst of energy she began throwing the pieces of wall to the left and the right. Her tears fell steadily as she repeated, “No Sharah. No Sharah. No Sharah.” First an arm was exposed and then a leg and then a torso until finally, Sharah’s face was lit up by the shadows.

A deep cut was exposed on her forehead. Lips split from dehydration. Her eyes remained fixed upon the ceiling as her stomach exposed the thin, shallow breaths she was taking.

“Sharah. Can you hear me? Are you OK? Sharah.” She scooped the pile of bones into her arms and brought her close to her chest. She wished that she could give away life. She would freely give hers at this moment. She would allow this young girl… this child… to take her very breath… to take her very life. She would gladly die in this jungle to know that another child didn’t have to perish under the hands of that madman.

Sharah coughed and then whispered an unintelligible word. The woman was brought back to the reality of the situation. Putting her arms under Sharah’s legs and back, she picked her up and carried her to the door. She peered deeply to the left and to the right. She could still see the truck tracks and the trees which had suffered under their wrath as the soldiers exited the village. She could hear the soft muffled cries of moms who had lost sons or wives who had lost the love of their lives. She tiptoed through the doorway and went right – hoping to make it to the hut of Tsu-Tsu, the village doctor.

Every step brought a crack of a twig or the rustle of palm branches that echoed in the silence. She knew how much the militia would love to get their hands on Sharah. She had heard stories about how entire villages had been stripped of their young girls. She also understood that even though she had grown up with the people in this village and knew that they all had good hearts; she also knew that they’d be willing to give over Sharah at the hopes of getting their loved ones back. She couldn’t blame them. Loss and grief causes you to do the unspeakable sometimes, allowing you to look at your actions from the past tense instead of the present.

Dipping in between trees and huts, she was making good time. Sharah was repeating the same word over and over again. All of a sudden they stopped and slammed into the side of a hut.

“You! You! You! Everything… Put it all in here!”

The one speaking orders was close. He was right on the other side of the hut and spoke with authority and rage. Then she heard the voice… the voice of Tsu-Tsu.

“I will give you whatever you want. I will give you whatever I have. But, please sir, please don’t hurt the people. You can have everything here in the village. Just please let the people go. Please don’t take them.”

“We will do whatever we do. I’m not asking for permission. I’m giving an order.” She heard a button unlatch and then the sound of a pistol’s hammer being pulled back. “If you choose to disobey, I will treat you like the others.”

“Ok. Ok. Just don’t shoot. Please put that away. I’ll do whatever. This? Do you want this? Ok. Where do you want it?”

You could hear the hammer fall gently back into place. “That’s better. I want this entire hut placed in the truck. We need all the medical supplies we can get. And hurry up. I still have to catch up with the trucks before nightfall.”

Leaning tightly against the thatching, she slid down. Sitting there, she pulled Sharah close to her chest. Her heavy breaths told of sleep. In the background, she could hear the boxes being loaded onto the truck. These boxes carried with them life… they carried hope. With their disappearance, so went the only chance of restoration… of rebuilding… of renewal.

So she sat, buried in thatching. She sat buried in her thoughts. She sat buried under the weight of a child who was in desperate need of something far greater than medicine. She was in need of hope… of love… of redemption.

(C) 2009 GP Hintz

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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Creative Writing - "The Interior"

So i am back on track... that's write (ha ha), i've picked up the pen and the paper (or maybe it's just my laptop and microsoft word program) and started writing again. It seems to be the one thing that always gets pushed to the back of my life, but the one thing that i love to do! I'm challenging myself to begin writing between 500-1000 word stories. I'll share them with you and you can let me know what you think. If you aren't into reading fiction - i understand. But, give it a chance and let me know what you think. Also, stay tuned and hold me accountable... i need to write more. GP

The Interior – Short Story

He pushed hard against the cold bricks, allowing the sand from their surface to fall between his cotton shirt and dirty brown skin. His knees rested below his chin and his arms squeezed legs tightly. Breath rose like the smoke from Hitler’s chimney – clouding the atmosphere and smelling like death. Exhaling, he let his stomach fall heavily against thighs. Inhaling, you could see his ribs.

The room was the size of a closet and the air as dark as night. Sounds echoed against its thin walls and carried with them anxiety and fear. Footsteps meant men and men meant death. The footsteps came closer and stopped; so dwelt death only a yard away. He held his breath and his bones squeezed tight against the flesh of his legs.

He heard a hand touch the wall which lay only a few feet from his nose. A plastered jail cell created for his protection. The fingers tapped lightly and then ran softly – first up and then down. There were shouts heard in the distance and gunshots which rang through the air, but the volume of the hand was soft.

A child, under the age of four, lay to his left and began to stir in its sleep. He reached over, putting his hand softly over her mouth and bringing one finger to his lips. Her eyes opened fast and registered terror. He hated to see this look which had become so normal for her, but knew that it was a natural reaction to their situation. Her eyes expressed her understanding. Her childhood was a distant memory and replaced with atrocities that even grown men should never have to witness.

The hand against the wall began to move again. This time to the left and then to the right – as if a giant cross had just been finger painted on the exterior. Voices were heard again, but this time they were closer and directed at the plaster. Words couldn’t be understood, but the inflection caused fear to rise in his heart.

‘Could it be?’ he thought. ‘After all this time? After all these days? And now… now here? In this tomb? In this place of refuse?’ He grabbed the child and brought her into his arms, allowing her to bury her head into his shoulder. He could hear a soft whimper and feel the tears begin to wet his shirt. He closed his eyes to the moisture of his own reality.

The hand which was gentle now attacked the wall with fury. First, the violent slap of an angry palm rang between the walls and then a sharper sound – one of fists and butts of guns – rang out like a popcorn machine. There was no rhythm or steady beat; just the chaos of rage personified in action. Plaster began to rain like hail on the duo.

The butt of an M-16 was the first item to enter their safe haven. It slammed through the plaster and exploded upon the bricks which lay beyond it. He lay upon his little angel and protected her like a mother bird upon her eggs. Not looking, he could feel the plaster now falling in chunks on his back and the dust entering his body through his mouth and nose. The voices could be heard clearly now – yelling vulgarities at the pile of flesh which was mounded on the floor.

A soldier in camouflage reached through the wall, falling heavily upon the man – grabbing his left arm in one hand and a chunk of his hair in the other. With one tug, the man was lifted up and thrown through the wall into the middle of the room. Laced up boots began to punish the man, relentlessly kicking without discretion. Bones could be heard cracking and blood began to paint the floor red. Groans of pain filled the room.

As this continued, a dirty faced four year old remained buried in the rubble watching the only one she knew as family be tortured for doing the only thing he could to protect her… become the target.

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Saturday, March 07, 2009

Don't Mind Me...

Don't mind me, i've just been packing and packing and packing and packing and packing and packing and packing and packing and packing and packing and packing and packing and packing and packing and packing and packing and packing and packing and packing and packing and packing and packing and packing and packing...

then, when i'm done with that i pack some more and the worst part is that i don't even have that much stuff!


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Thursday, March 05, 2009

Just Returned From a Great Ministry in Mesa

I just returned from a great ministry in Mesa, AZ called Sunshine Acres. I've been wanting to find someplace close to home to partner with and give back. If you've never heard of it before, here's some info. about it.


Sunshine Acres
Mission: Our mission is to provide a loving, wholesome, Christian home for children who are separated from their parents, and to help them establish long-term relationships with stable parental figures.

The Children: We serve boys and girls of all ages. The entry age is between 5 and 15. Exceptions are considered on a case-by-case basis. Placements are for a minimum of one year and may continue as long as needed and appropriate - even through college. Children are accepted regardless of race, gender,religion or national origin. Sunshine Acres is a Home and we treat the children as our own. We always welcome visits from former children and their families, as our greatest joy is hearing of their success in life.

Our Founders: Vera Dingman, who founded Sunshine Acres with her husband, Rev. Jim Dingman in 1954. Passed away on July 19, 2005. Her faith in God and loving heart are an inspiration to us all. She is dearly missed. Her legacy lives on in our staff and the lives of the boys and girls.

Fees: Guardians are encouraged to participate in the childs care as able. No child is turned away for financial reasons.

Funding: Our home is primarily funded by private donations. Contributions are given by individuals, through the United Way, family estates, corporate, and memorial gifts. All gifts, whether they be large or small, are deeply appreciated. We do not receive any financial support from the Federal, State, or City Governments for care of the children. All donations are tax deductible.

I'm praying for God's wisdom in partnering with this ministry. It is definately my heart and i look forward to helping them in any way that we can. Please log onto their site to learn more about this wonderful minstry in the heart of Phoenix.


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Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Christian Justice - Part One

Let me preface what you are about to see with a clear statment. Some of you will not be interested in this blog post. Some of you will be VERY interested in this blog post. It is the lesson that I'll be teaching this coming Wed. about Justice with reference to the book of Isaiah. You'll see it exactly as I wrote it with questions to ask and places to pause. I am doing this because I think that there are people out there who care about justice and want to play an active part in seeing it come to pass - they just need a subtle push. For some of you, let this be your push! Enjoy.

Christian Justice – Part I

What comes to your mind when I say the word “justice”?
What are some synonyms to this word “justice”?

So, the definition of the word justice is:
1. The quality of being righteous
2. impartiality; fairness
3. the quality of being right or correct
4. reward of penalty as deserved

Justice has a lot to do with ‘rights’ and ‘wrongs’. Can you list some things that you would say is ‘right’ in life when it comes to the lives of teenagers? Can you give me a list of ‘wrongs’?

If we have a wrong idea of what’s right and what’s wrong in our minds, how can that affect your idea of ‘justice’?

Sometimes it is ignorance which keeps us from understanding injustice. Ignorance doesn’t mean we’re dumb, it simply means that we don’t know.

Can you give me an example of something that happened at school that demanded ‘justice’? do good on a test, kids get in a fight, cheat on test, graffiti

The Bible uses two words to look at justice. The first is ‘mish-pawt’ (pronouced) and means properly a verdict (favorable or unfavorable), a sentence or a divine law. Let’s read some verses using this word ‘mish-pawt’:

Lev 24:22 I am the LORD your God, and I demand equal justice both for you Israelites and for those foreigners who live among you. (H4941)

Pro 2:8 God sees that justice is done, and he watches over everyone who is faithful to him. (H4941)

Isa 5:16 But the holy LORD God All-Powerful is praised, because he has shown who he is by bringing justice. (H4941)

Psa 105:7 The LORD is our God, bringing justice everywhere on earth. (4941)

Hos 12:6 So return to your God. Patiently trust him, and show love and justice. (H4941)

Mic 6:8 The LORD God has told us what is right and what he demands: "See that justice is done, let mercy be your first concern, and humbly obey your God." (H4941)

Zep 3:5 All who do evil are shameless, but the LORD does right and is always fair. With the dawn of each day, God brings about justice. (H4941)

What are some things that we can learn from these verses about God and ourselves?

There’s another word that the Old Testament (Hebrew) uses for this word ‘justice’. This word is ‘tsaw-dak’. This word means ‘to be right in a moral or forensic sense’. So, we saw that ‘mish-pawt’ meant a verdict, ‘tsaw-dak’ means that thing which is right.

Deu 32:4 The LORD is a mighty rock, and he never does wrong. God can always be trusted to bring justice. (H6663)

Job 34:17 The mighty God is the one who brings about justice, and you are condemning him. (H6662)

Psa 45:7 You love justice and hate evil. And so, your God chose you and made you happier than any of your friends. (H6664)

Psa 58:11 Everyone will say, "It's true! Good people are rewarded. God does rule the earth with justice." (H6662)

Psa 97:6 The heavens announce, "The LORD brings justice!" Everyone sees God's glory. (H6664)

Isa 24:16 From all over the world songs of praise are heard for the God of justice. But I feel awful, terribly miserable. Can anyone be trusted? So many are treacherous! (H6662)

Isa 61:10 I celebrate and shout because of my LORD God. His saving power and justice are the very clothes I wear. They are more beautiful than the jewelry worn by a bride or a groom. (H6666)

Zec 8:8 and I will bring them to live in Jerusalem. They will be my people, and I will be their God, faithful to bring about justice. (H6666)

When we see this, we almost always see it equated with what God is bringing with Him. He’s bringing this sense of ‘rightness’ with Him and when we see injustice, we can be sure to know that He wants to be at work in the midst of it.

Can you give me any examples of injustice in the Bible?
How do we see God responding in the midst of that injustice?

In our lives, we all have seen things or been in situations that seemed ‘unfair’. Whether it’s someone being picked before us in gym class to not getting the scholarship we need for college, we’ve all faced unfairness in some way. There’s another word we’re going to look at today – “oppression”.

Definition: “Oppression is unfairness taken to extremes.”

Oppressors use lies and force to take what rightly belongs to someone else.

Can you give me some examples of oppressors from today or history that you read about or saw on TV?

What made them oppressors?

God is very patient with failures and mistakes and slips and backslides and screwups but is incredibly intolerant of oppression.

Let’s read a portion of scripture that we’re focusing on today. Isaiah 1:10-17

“Hear the word of the Lord, you rulers of Sodom; listen to the law of our God, you people of Gomorrah?” vs. 10

Who does it appear that Isaiah is talking to?

Can anyone tell me the story of Sodom and Gomorrah?

History tells us that Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed in the time of Abraham who lived around the year 2000BC. In his time Sodom and Gomorrah were completely destroyed. Isaiah lived around 700BC – 1300 years later.

This would be like me calling you after a city that was destroyed in 700AD. What made the story of Sodom and Gomorrah one that was remembered for 1300 years and then even over double that after this reference?

What were some of the attributes of Sodom and Gomorrah that Isaiah was trying to put on Judah?

Let’s keep reading.

“The multitude of your sacrifices – what are they to me?” says the Lord. “I have more than enough of burnt offerings, of rams and the fat of fattened animals; I have no pleasure in the blood of bulls and lambs and goats. When you come to appear before me who has asked this of you, this trampling of my courts? Stop bringing meaningless offerings! Your incense is detestable to me. New Moons, Sabbaths and convocations – I cannot bear your evil assemblies. Your New Moon festivals and your appointed feasts my soul hates. They have become a burden to me; I am weary of bearing them. When you spread out your hands in prayer, I will hide my eyes from you; even if you offer many prayers, I will not listen. Your hands are full of blood…” vs. 11-15

If God were saying this message today to the church, what would it sound like? What words would be different?

If I was Judah, I would feel pretty helpless right now. Here, God has basically said that I could give as much money in the offering as I could and it wouldn’t make Him happy. I could pray till I was blue in the face and He won’t listen or even look at me. He’s telling me that all my special church services that I attend are worth nothing in His eyes.

If you were to look at an individual who gave money to the church, attended every time there was a service and prayed, would you think that this is what God would be saying to him? Why or why not?

The good news is that God gives hope. He’s in the hope business. This portion continues to say… “…Your hands are full of blood; wash and make yourselves clean. Take your evil deeds out of my sight! Stop doing wrong. Learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow.” Vs. 15-17

I love how the CEV puts it. “Stop doing wrong and learn to live right. See that justice is done. Defend widows and orphans and help those in need.”

I’m a simple guy and I love simplicity. God, through Isaiah, makes this so simple for us.

Just from reading this, what do you think is more important in the eyes of God – coming to youth group or seeking justice? Coming to church or seeking to overturn injustice?

Let’s look a little deeper at this verse. We see the command from Isaiah – ‘Stop doing wrong!’ We have to remember that Isaiah was not an evangelist at this moment trying to get people to turn to God. He is talking to the ‘church’. He is talking to believers.

What wrong doing do you see in some people who follow God today?

If you don’t want to answer this aloud, you don’t have to. But if you do, you can. What wrong doing have we seen when we look in the mirror?

The command, right after ‘stop doing wrong’ is "learn to live right". If the command is to learn, this means that it is not innate. It is something that we have to develop or learn.

What are some things that we can do to ‘learn to live right’?

Next, two words ring loud – “Seek Justice”. This word seek can mean to tread or follow or ask or question. It gives the idea that we should look intently for justice and, if we don’t find it, begin to question why it isn’t there. Conversely, we should locate where we do see justice and find out what is allowing that situation to be just, learn from it and apply it elsewhere.

“Encourage the Oppressed” is the next command. The King James Version of the Bible says ‘relieve the oppressed’. The word used here can mean ‘to be straight with’ or ‘to be honest with’ or ‘to be right, honest or happy with’. When I first read this I thought to myself, ‘I wouldn’t want to be straight and honest with someone who is oppressed – it said that I was supposed to encourage them, not depress them.’ Then I started thinking. They know their situation. They know what’s going on. And, if my heart’s right and I really want to help them out of their oppression then my honesty will be a sense of encouragement toward them.

Let’s take a moment and look at the oppressed. Give me some examples of those who are oppressed in some different categories:
1. In the world
2. In the US (country)
3. In Arizona (state)
4. In Wickenburg (city)
5. In our school

The next command is to ‘Defend the cause of the fatherless’.

What does it mean to defend?
In your opinion, who are the fatherless?
Can you think of some other people who need defending?

Lastly, we read that we are to ‘plead the case of the widows’.

What is life like for a widow?
What does it mean to plead their case?

I am a fan of simplicity and pleased that God used Isaiah to make this portion of scripture so simple for me. Unfortunately, its simplicity to understand does not lessen its difficulty to implement. I see the need. It’s immense. It’s vast. It’s more than I can handle at some times. But if not you… then who? And if not now… then when?

I hope you enjoyed!

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Monday, March 02, 2009

New Place Photos

Thought you'd like to see the photos of the new place. We're not in it yet, but i'm really stoked about it. Two more weeks! Check it out! (i'm excited... can you tell?)

Thank you all for your prayers. This move is happening just one month before the baby's arrival and my prayer was that we'd be in a new place before the baby came. I didn't have to knock down any doors - God just knew our prayer and enabled it to happen. He is awesome and always on time!

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Sunday, March 01, 2009

Moving... again... and LOVING IT!

That's right, we're moving again. It will be our fourth move in less than four years, but I don't regret a one. Looking back, I see God's hand on each and every place we've been. It has been for a season of time and then it's time to move on to another season of time. I can't wait to show y'all the photos I'll take in 2 weeks when I move in. Until then just keep my family in your prayers as we pack all of our worldly belongings and prepare to make another house a home...


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