Spiritual Concepts in an Unspiritual World

This blog does nothing but tracks the ravings of my mind and tranfers them into codes for the world to see. For more about me check out www.gphintz.com. Let nothing come to he who desires everything and the world come to he who is content. To subscribe to this blog through feedburner, click here http://feeds.feedburner.com/gphintzblog

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

First Class Done and MLK Day

Hello World! I've truly been slacking, but i'm back and i have some great news...

Drum roll please...

My first 'return to college class' is done! That's right, i finished my class up this past weekend. Now, i've moved from the macro to the micro and i'm taking 'cross cultural communication'. I'll be adding a third class in a few weeks. My goal is to take six classes this year.

It's been fun to learn some new information and it was a great time to take MacroEconomics with the state of the US economy. Now, when i read the headlines, they make a lot more sense to me.

In addition to this, i had a great MLK day yesterday. Anyone who knows a little about me will know that Martin Luther King is a hero of mine. I ended up putting this move 'King' on my DVR. I sat down with my son and watched it. He took the whole thing in and was taken back when he saw MLK get shot at the end. It's like he knew everything else, but he didn't know how he died. We had a good talk about good and evil and what that looks like and about his ability to use his life for good and to make a change. He was truly moved by King's life.

I want my sons to understand Dr. King's life in a grander scale than simply helping a march or giving a great speech.Dr. King stood up for something that was greater than himself and, knowing that it was going to cost him his very life, refused to step down or yield to the pressure. These are principles that I want for myself and my children. I want to carry that dream of freedom and the hope for a future that's brighter than today. I want to have the courage to speak even when the words don't want to be heard. I want to stand even when the weight on my shoulders is more than i can handle.

I want to close with the words of Martin Luther King's final sermon and words that have inspired me for years. They were spoken just one day before his life was taken. These words are not just for our ears, but for our hearts'.

"Well, I don't know what will happen now. We've got some difficult days ahead. But it doesn't matter with me now. Because I've been to the mountaintop. And I don't mind. Like anybody, I would like to live a long life. Longevity has its place. But I'm not concerned about that now. I just want to do God's will. And He's allowed me to go up to the mountain. And I've looked over. And I've seen the promised land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the promised land. And I'm happy, tonight. I'm not worried about anything. I'm not fearing any man. Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord." MLK

God Bless,

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Thursday, January 01, 2009

'08 into '09!

I'm not going to lie - 2008 has been a great year for me! I've had to make some sacrifices, but i can definitely see the hand of God on my life, my family and my finances. I've seen miracle after miracle and heard God's voice so clearly through the most unlikely characters. I've been able to see God work through me in a ministry to inspire many teens to reach this world for Christ. I've been allowed to speak to men, women and teens from all over the world each and every week. I've been able to begin schooling again and had people go out of there way to see to it that it's not a burden for me. All you'd have to do is look over my blogs from the past year to see all the wonderful things that have gone on! God has been - and has not stopped - being good to me.

And now, we move into a new year and i have to tell you that i am extremely OPTIMISTIC! I'm optimistic about my personal life. I'm optimistic about the future of the church that i work at. I'm optimistic about my family and little Xander who's on his way. I'm optimistic about this nation. But most of all, i'm optimistic that God is going to move in my life in some awesome way. And, i want you to know, that this is something i want you to be optimistic about too. God desires to move in your life in a great way - you just have to allow him the access. Open your heart and mind to God today and watch what 2009 looks like!

Well, anyways, I thought you'd like a couple goals for my year. I won't bore you with an exhaustive list, but here's a couple you can hold me accountable for!

1. Hike to the bottom of the Grand Canyon and then climb out (notice i had to add the last part!)
2. Run a 5K race
3. Read more books this year than last
4. Read more books out of the Bible this year than last
5. Finish 6 college courses this year
6. Blog on a consistent basis
7. Pay off all of my debt
8. Sell a house in Ohio
9. Spend more time in prayer this year than last
10. Get stronger - mentally and physically!

There it is! Have a great year and i hope to see you back...


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