Spiritual Concepts in an Unspiritual World

This blog does nothing but tracks the ravings of my mind and tranfers them into codes for the world to see. For more about me check out www.gphintz.com. Let nothing come to he who desires everything and the world come to he who is content. To subscribe to this blog through feedburner, click here http://feeds.feedburner.com/gphintzblog

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Cormac's 'The Road'

OK. I know. I said that i wasn't going to do it. I said that i didn't want to put myself through it. I said that i was too affected... it affected me too much last time. But, i had to. I don't know why, but i had to and i did and i am so glad that i did. Some may be scratching their heads about now. Let me explain...

I read a book in June called 'No Country for Old Men' (i've never seen the movie). I'll admit that i had no idea of what i was getting into. It was - hands down - the most violent work of literature that i had ever read. Not violent in a way that you can understand why it was written that way, but violent in a way that caused you to look away from the splotches of ink on the page and then return and then ask yourself why. I choked through it. I didn't trash it. It still sits wedged on my shelf nestled by Merton and McManus. However, i swore that i would never read another work by the author. I didn't want to put myself through that again. This was, of course, until i came across a title called 'The Road'.

The idea was fascinating. A post nuclear earth. Bands of cannibals that traveled the land. A man and his son. Desperation intermingled with despair. It sounded like a recipe for disaster, especially with the only author who made me squirm. But i couldn't shake it. I couldn't escape the thought. I wanted to know what happened. I wanted to hear the story. So, two days ago, i found it and brought it home.

I started at page one and quickly traveled to page 100. I couldn't put it down. I couldn't stop reading it. I had a tension in my gut from the words i read and a longing to know what the next paragraph would bring. I was fearful of what the author would do, always waiting for him to do the unforgivable... always waiting for him to betray my trust. I read more and more and more. Less than two days later, the book was done and i sat back satisfied in a way that i haven't been from a work of literature in my recent history.

I won't get into detail or give away anything. I will tell you that it's amazing. I will tell you that it'll become a movie that won't do it justice. I will tell you that if you start it, you won't put it down. I will tell you that it is not like 'No Country for Old Men'. I will tell you to be careful... once you start it, you won't want to quit.


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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Fall is Here

Well, i wish i could tell you that the leaves on the cacti are changing colors and falling beneath our feet, but i can't. It's fall - the only season i miss from back east! I will tell you, however, the weather's been exquisite and we are still taking advantage of all of the fun fall activities. Here's some photos of my boys enjoying the traditions of the season like carving pumpkins and wrestling alligators...

"Yeah Dude! That's right. I'm a pumpkin carving beast!"

Like father like son...

"I think I want the line rrriiiggghhhttt here."

And for all of those who wanted to see a picture of me in deep concentration writing on a pumpkin with a blue pen at the age of four, here it is. This is just for those who have requested this specific shot.

Like father like son...



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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Mexico Mission Trip Video - RAV 2008

Hello y'all! I hope you enjoy this video. If you want a truly clear picture of what our mission trip at Rancho Agua Viva in Ensenada, Mexico was like, I think that this video will truly answer any questions you may have! Enjoy!


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Sunday, October 19, 2008

Mission Trip Update - RAV 2008!

OK! It's 6:45 am and I have a few minutes to let you know how the trip was. I can sum it up into one word - AWESOME! It was such an honor to be part of the wonderful work that is taking place in Ensenada, Mexico. For those that don't know, here you go...

I helped lead a team of 8 people into Ensenada, Mexico. For the majority of the team, this was their first 'over the border' mission trip.

The trip was broke down into two sections - a work project and a sports ministry. The work project primarily was moving cinder blocks down a mountain. These blocks will be used in conjunction with a 'fresh water well' that is being created for the camp and seminary called 'Rancho Agua Viva'. We moved a total of five truckloads of blocks which weighed between 30 and 40 pounds. Every did a great job and had a great attitude during this time.

Agua Viva Ministries serves the Mexican people in three ways. First, they have a camp there that many Mexican churches use (the week prior to us there was a women's conference with over 200 women). Secondly, they host missionary teams who minister in the surrounding cities and villages. And thirdly, they have a seminary which puts Mexican nationals through training and education, preparing them for full time ministry in Mexico. You can check out more at http://www.aguaviva.com/

Our other main ministry was a sports ministry in a little area called 'Colony 89'. We played soccer with the kids in the neighborhood, shared juice and 'galletas' (cookies) with them and shared our testimonies of the love and grace of Jesus Christ. On our last day we gave away complete soccer uniforms (socks, shorts and shirts), a soccer trophy and a brand new soccer ball. It was truly a beautiful moment.

I want to thank everyone for their prayers and support during this time. We experienced everything from minor injuries from intense work and 'scrolleyball' (don't ask) to a broken heart from having to leave such a beautiful community. I look forward to many more trips to Mexico and continuing the relationship that began last week.


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Friday, October 17, 2008

Just Got Back!

Hey Y'all,

Sorry it's been so long, but I've been ministering in Mexico for the last week. I can't wait to give everyone an update - it was AWESOME! When you do what you're created to do, you fill a void that nothing else can touch. I can't wait to tell you all about it and show you some pictures. It won't be too long...


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Thursday, October 09, 2008

A Prayer for Baby

"I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb."
Jeremiah 1:5
"Lord, You know the plans You have and
i pray that You have Your way in my baby's life
that (s)he will always love You and put You first
and that You will give the same grace that You've given me
and let this child know everyday that You're there.
There is no greater gift than Your presence."

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Wednesday, October 08, 2008

I Relent!

OK! So I knew it was coming. Moment to moment and conversation to conversation the theme was there.

It started about a year ago when a nemisis of mine was used by God to make a statement that changed my life. He said, 'A degree is simply to open doors. We go so far and then we hit a locked door. A degree is the key which opens it'. I buried that advice in my heart and let it sit there.

Eight months later I'm approached by our interim pastor who told me about the gifts that God has given me and implored me to go to school. 'This will be a subject that I'll be bringing up as long as you know me. It is so important for you.' he said.

Then i received a donation of a TV for our youth house about 2 weeks ago. The donor helped me move it into the house and then stood with me on the front porch and said, 'You need to consider an education - God's got a great plan for you and it will only help you move forward.'

At that moment i felt like the world stopped spinning, the voice stopped speaking, the lizards stopped slithering and i looked to the heavens and screamed:


So, now i move forward. I will be starting something within the next two months. I've found some good options for me fairly close by and will keep you informed as i move forward. Please pray that i pick the right major and that God enables me to balance work, school and family in a way which honors Him. I covet your prayers and words of encouragement. Thank you!


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Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Another Day in the Life

GP: Hey guys! Let's go over here and get a picture with Jesus.

Someone: Yeah! We can look like the 12 disciples.

GP: Yeah, who's Judas. Ha! Ha! (no one laughs) Oh, forget it. Let's go.

(Everyone gathers around Jesus. Everyone says cheese. Everyone disperses.)

GP: That was fun wasn't it! (looking over his shoulder he reads aloud a sign painted by the statue) 'No trespassers! Stay behind the fence'. OOPS!

** Another day in the life of a youth director **

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Thursday, October 02, 2008

The Tin Man - Where's My Emotions?

The Wizard of Oz was released in 1939 and starred Judy Garland. It has been a hit for generations and still one that kids and adults alike both reference. The cast of characters includes Dorothy, Toto, The Scarecrow, The Lion, The Tin Man, The Wizard, The Wicked Witch of the West and a variety of others. I’d like to take a few of these characters and look a little deeper at their search and talk about those things which they were looking for.

The Tin Man:

Now, the tin man’s desire is found in the song he sings when he meets Dorothy:

When a man's an empty kettle he should be on his mettle,
And yet I'm torn apart.
Just because I'm presumin' that I could be kind-a-human,
If I only had heart.
I'd be tender - I'd be gentle and awful sentimental
Regarding Love and Art.
I'd be friends with the sparrows ...
and the boys who shoots the arrows
If I only had a heart.
Picture me - a balcony. Above a voice sings low.
Wherefore art thou, Romeo? I hear a beat....
How sweet.
Just to register emotion, jealousy - devotion,
And really feel the part.
I could stay young and chipper
and I'd lock it with a zipper,
If I only had a heart.

Now, we can see from this song that the tin man believed that there were certain things that would happen if he had a heart. He'd be able to register emotion. He'd feel like he belonged. He'd appreciate things more. He'd hold on to his youth. The tin man believed that if this one thing could change in his life that he'd be so much better. He believed that his life would be different. If only this one thing could happen.

What about you? What's that one thing that you're holding out for that will make everything perfect? That perfect someone? That new job? That raise? That 98" flatscreen TV? (now that would be sweet!) We all have things that we're holding out for. Things that we want. Things that we need. The problem comes when we believe that those things will alleviate all of our pains, hurts and lack of purpose in life...
The tin man wanted something that was more than just 'stuff'. He wanted to feel. He wanted to sense emotion. I talk with people who cut themselves and they tell me that they do it to feel. They tell me that the pain that they're afflicting on themselves becomes greater than the pain buried in their hearts.

There's a verse in the book of Joel that reads, "…rend your hearts and not your garments. Return to the Lord your God for He is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love; and he relents over disaster." Joel 2:13

In Old Testament Bible times the people would rip their clothes and throw ashes on their head to show the world and themselves that they were turning to God. Here, Joel says something very interesting. He said, 'don't worry about your clothes, but look to your hearts'. He's encouraging them to open their hearts to God... to feel again... to sense emotion again... to allow the reality of their life and their failures to hit them again...

Now, following this, Joel gives a picture of God that is steeped in emotion. 'Gracious'. 'Merciful'. 'Slow to Anger'. 'Abounding in Love'. He's saying 'Rip your hearts open for a God who understands and feels emotion. Be real and be honest before a God who loves you. Don't be afraid for you have nothing to fear for He is abounding in love'.

Maybe you know what it feels like to bury emotion deep. Maybe you know what it's like to cut yourself to cover the pain. Maybe you know what it feels like to not feel. Well, today God is calling you to take a risk. He's asking you to open your heart before Him. He's asking you to be real with Him. He's asking you to open the steel door which holds all of your emotions and let Him in. His promise is that it may hurt, but He'll be with you every step of the way.

"Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." Hebrews 13:5


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