Spiritual Concepts in an Unspiritual World
This blog does nothing but tracks the ravings of my mind and tranfers them into codes for the world to see. For more about me check out www.gphintz.com. Let nothing come to he who desires everything and the world come to he who is content. To subscribe to this blog through feedburner, click here http://feeds.feedburner.com/gphintzblog
Friday, September 29, 2006
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Lessons Learned from a Lock In - Sept. 26, 2006

Well, sleep has become my friend again as I had tortured my body on Friday night. Understanding the deep responsibility of the oversight of 33 youth - some of which struggling with excess hormonal discharge - I chose to stay awake for the entire night. I am one who has worked the 'night shift' and am no stranger of burning the midnight oil, but am learning that the older I get, the longer and bumpier the road to recovery becomes.
I am pleased to announce that the first IGNITE Lock in was a complete victory and even though many went home on Saturday morning with REALLY bad breath and sleep still stuck to their eyelids, I believe that they walked away with a little bit of truth mixed up with a lot of good time. And that, my friends, is a recipe for success
I urge everyone who attended to remember the verse Jeremiah 29:11, because without purpose our life lacks a point. Also, I think we're missing a rule for "underground church", so try to figure that out for next time too.

Please stay tuned because there is a lot more where that came from. God is awesome and has a great plan for us - and the GREAT news is that He wants us to have fun along the way. So sit down, strap up and enjoy the ride! IGNITEYOUTHGROUP.COM ---> 4ever!