Spiritual Concepts in an Unspiritual World

This blog does nothing but tracks the ravings of my mind and tranfers them into codes for the world to see. For more about me check out www.gphintz.com. Let nothing come to he who desires everything and the world come to he who is content. To subscribe to this blog through feedburner, click here http://feeds.feedburner.com/gphintzblog

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Photos From our Food Drive Pt. 1

Well world, today was awesome! Many times in life you come up with an idea and you begin to walk down a path and it's not until you reach your destination that you discover that the hand of God had to be guiding you. That is where I was today. I can honestly say that i am not a crier, but overwhelmed with emotion from the work that we did today, i almost broke down in tears.

The idea was a food drive to help the CAP (Community Action Program) in my town. They help those less fortunate in my city and were running low on food. We decided to take a stand and do something about it. I came to the realization that i want to change the world, but the world's too big to change. But, what i can do is find something that i can change... and change that and then each change we make will help to change the world. This idea was the food bank in my town - and that is just what we did.

I am so thankful for all the people who joined in this endeavour. From my good friends Kevin and Alan to the teens and adults from the church. There were some as young as two and some as old as... well, i guess age really doesn't matter :) Enjoy the photos and always remember - 'You can make a difference on this earth! Just find the need and fill it'. I Hope You Enjoy These Photos!

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