Field Trip on Wednesday!

A Field trip is scheduled for Wednesday evening. We will be leaving the comfort of our humble abode and traveling a few blocks into the wilderness known as the youth house. Even though two rooms are operable, there are two more that hide the dirt and debris that can only be found in horror movies. OK - it's not really that bad, but I'd rather it be less than more...
We will be heading to the youth house on Wed, Oct. 4th to put our movement where our mouth is. We are believing for this group to be a place for our friends to come and we want to represent Christ well. In order to do this, we must have a place that doesn't scare them so that they will come and hear the good news. So, we clean...
For those of you who would normally be there but are reading this blog thinking 'Maybe I'll skip this Wednesday?' I know your email and there will be another day and another mess - much worse than this. And you, my friend, will be the first one sent in with a clothes pin over your nose and a bandana in your hair. Do you really want that? NO - So just come and enjoy - it will be a blast! Meet at the normal spot at 6p unless you're going to the dinner at the church at 5:30p. If you're doing the dinner - just stay there and wait. We will be there shortly. Wear some clothes that can get dirty and come with a wonderful attitude. God is doing something great in Wickenburg and He's allowing us to be part of it!!!!
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